
Treatments for a chipped tooth 

A chipped tooth is a very common dental injury. While your tooth enamel is one of the strongest substances in your body, excessive wear and tear, or trauma can cause your tooth to chip or crack. When this happens, your initial reaction may be panic but a chipped tooth is usually not a cause of concern. There are several cosmetic options available to repair your chipped tooth and restore your smile to its natural state. Some of the common treatment options available are: 

Composite bonding 

Composite bonding is a cosmetic procedure that uses a tooth-colored composite resin material to repair chips or change the color or shape of the tooth. In fact, it is one of the most affordable ways to fix a chipped tooth and helps to restore the appearance of the damaged tooth and rebuilds it. The process can usually be completed in a single trip to the dentist. 


Veneers are like tooth covers and they provide the most realistic results possible when it comes to fixing chipping and cracked teeth. A veneer is a thin, custom-made shell of tooth-colored material. It is bonded to the front of the tooth and can immediately transform the tooth’s appearance. Veneers are very long-lasting and may last up to 2-3 decades without requiring any special maintenance. It usually takes 2 visits to the dentist to get veneers for your teeth. 


If the tooth is badly chipped and it pains when you chew or drink something, you may need a dental crown. It is a common and effective restorative treatment for teeth, which involves placing a cap-like structure over the tooth to cover it. It protects the tooth and improves its appearance. Most dental crowns are made from porcelain for a natural look. Each crown is made to measure and match the patient’s tooth perfectly. Before the crown is placed, the dentist will have to prepare the tooth and it may be necessary to scrape a part of the tooth to ensure a good fit.  

Root canal  

Most cases of a chipped tooth do not require a root canal and can be treated effectively by composite bonding, crowns, veneers, or other more common procedures. However, when there is a lot of pain associated with the chipped tooth, it is likely that the pulp is affected and a root canal may be necessary. The procedure involves removing the damaged or dead pulp before a crown can be placed. Sometimes, a root canal is also performed if the dentist thinks the tooth needs a crown but it lacks adequate healthy tooth structure for support.  

Dental implant 

When the tooth is too damaged to be restored with a root canal or crown, the dentist may recommend extracting the tooth and replacing it with an implant. This is done in cases where the crack in the tooth extends below the gum line. In this scenario, the tooth cannot be treated and saved. The only viable option is extraction and replacing the natural tooth with an implant. Dental implant is one of the best treatment options if your natural teeth needs to be extracted. Implants can significantly improve the quality of life and the health of a person who needs them.

If you have a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth, you should see your dentist right away to prevent further damage and risk of infection. Timely treatment can save your tooth and ensure better outcomes. 

We understand that dentist visits may seem stressful but we ensure that our patients feel as comfortable and stress-free as they possibly can. Make an appointment with us to get your tooth repaired and achieve the beautiful smile you have always dreamt of. 

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