
Dental hygiene is awash with myths that perpetuate fear, encourage bad oral hygiene, and more. Many of these dental myths have been hanging around for years. Do yourself a favor and arm yourself with the correct knowledge about dental health so you can protect your teeth comfortably and correctly for a lifetime.


1. Brushing before visiting the dentist can hide bad teeth

One commonly believed dental myth is that brushing before a dental visit may hide any complications your teeth might have. We all do it, but the dentist isn’t so easily fooled. This wont hide bad dental habits such as gum disease, cavities, calcified tartar build-up. The only thing a pre-dental brush does is improve your breath and briefly tidy up your teeth, but it does nothing for your dental teeth.


2. Electric toothbrush is better than manual

Most people believe in the dental myth that an electric toothbrush somehow functions better for teeth than a manual one. It doesn’t matter if you use an electric or manual toothbrush. As long as you brush carefully with fluoride toothpaste your doing best by your teeth. How the brush is used matters more than whether it is manual or electric.

According to American Dental Association (ADA), electric and manual toothbrushes effectively remove oral plaque, saving teeth from diseases and decay. ADA recommends brushing teeth twice a day for two minutes with a toothbrush that has soft bristles. Both electric and manual toothbrushes must be replaced every 3-4 months or earlier if the bristles are damaged.


3. You can use mouthwash instead of brushing

Nothing replaces the effectiveness of brushing in removing plaque and preventing tooth decay. Using mouthwash soon after brushing washes away the fluoride that helps protect the teeth. The fluoride in toothpaste is more effective than that found in mouthwash.

Using mouthwash at times could be convenient, but make sure not to turn that into a routine. Most mouthwash brands contain anti-bacterial properties designed to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath and plaque buildup. This dental myth could cause more problems, as mouthwashes are not effective in removing plaques. Brushing teeth, flossing, and taking care of oral hygiene are important to avoid complications over choosing short-term convenience.

4. Dental Myth: You don’t need to floss

Another common dental myth is that flossing is not mandatory and can be skipped. Many people refrain from flossing on a regular basis but this can be really bad for oral hygiene. If you don’t floss your missing about 1/3 of the tooth’s surface. This is a part of the tooth that is still susceptible to decay. Food particles can often get stuck between your teeth, and contribute towards decay if not cleaned away with floss regularly.


5. Dental Myth: Bleeding gums is normal

Bleeding gums aren’t uncommon but it is not normal and shouldn’t be left to resolve itself. Brushing or flossing can irritate sensitive gums which can lead to bleeding. Most of the time this is not serious, but it can also be a sign of inflammation caused by gum disease or gingivitis. Bleeding can also be caused by plaque and tar tar build up.
If you are concerned, speak to your dentist.


6. Your too old for braces

Yes it’s more common for children, teenagers and younger adults to have braces but it doesn’t mean that older adults can’t too. With more discreet options such as Invisalign, many more adults are visiting orthodontists to rectify misaligned teeth.

If you weren’t able to address your teeth misalignment when you were younger, you still can now.


Do you have questions or concerns about your dental health? Speak to the compassionate dentists at Farmington Avenue Dental Care at 576 Farmington Avenue Hartford, CT 06105. Call: (860) 200-1594 to schedule an appointment.

Dental Myth

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